Been struggling with keeping up with studying and then writing here. It’s been very busy at work with a Contact Center we are deploying, takes a toll to stay late everyday to do stuff that you can’t while everyone is working. And I consider voice a lot less entertaining than Security or RS, by far. I will be back at working on Frame Relay from the beginning in the next few weeks, I’m sure I will cause we are reaching a good point at work. It’s a resolution for the year, to get the RS lab done this year, for that the first thing will be to retake the written cause it expired a few weeks ago.All will be good as long as I don’t loose focus, the only off topic thing I’ve taken besides working on a voice project during the day has been linux, yes, now my desktop is running Fedora 10, which is cool to say the least. I’ve been putting off with learning linux seriously for a while, I think it was a good time to take it head first.