Lots of work lately, absolutely kicking my butt, however, I have been listening to mp3s on whatever time I have left and while commuting to and from work. My PMP application for the exam went just fine, I am not sure if they do the random audit before or after you take the exam, in any event I am ready for whatever comes up. So far my view on the material I have been reading and reviewing is that this is a pretty straight forward type of certification, very centered around what PMI establishes as best practice in Project Management, which is cool, but without taking any credit from it most of the terms and concepts surrounding the profession seem to be based on common sense, for the most part. There is some work to do on how to calculate certain aspects but nothing out of the ordinary I’d say, I am glad to be done with a couple of the big projects I am involved with at work so I can spend some time learning what I have to in order to pass this one with flying colors.